Organic Products
We at Lawn Care Plus look at turf health from a different perspective than most of the other lawn care providers in today’s market. We focus on the principles of sound plant nutrition management, while being mindful of soil biology and the role it plays in plant health. In doing so, not only will this lead to a healthier stand of turf, but one that is more resilient to weed infestation, drought and pest pressure.
Every property faces unique challenges and most solutions tend to be product based, rather than program based. As a result, any progress tends to be short lived because symptoms are being treated, rather than finding the source of the issue. We at Lawn Care Plus focus on the root-cause that will help solve the core issues, while implementing site-specific plans for your property with the goal of long-term sustainability

Green Tee with Phosphate
.6% Boron .05% Zinc .05%
Green Tee contains a combination of biostimulants and nutritional elements to complement your summer stress program. One of the key ingredients is kelp, which is packed with hormones that reduce chlorophyll degradation, boost photosynthetic rates, and maintain root viability. The other main ingredient is salicylic acid, which has been proven to promote Systemic Acquired Resistance, thus improving the plant’s ability to respond to stress and maintain nutrient uptake. Green tee also contains phosphates, zinc and boron, which collectively improve energy transfer, as well as protein and enzyme production. This carefully balanced blend of ingredients make Green Tee a valuable tool in helping turf managers proactively manage summer stress.
Boosts Photosynthesis, Improves Heat Tolerance, Stimulates Root Growth, Optimizes Chlorophyll Synthesis, Enhances Enzyme Production
Liquid Fish is an organic fertilizer derived from deep water, bottom feeding fish that are packed with proteins, amino acids, and trace minerals. This fish hydrolysate is cold formulated to ensure these valuable components are preserved and available for plant uptake. It is the proteins and amino acids that aid in the creation of long chain sugars which can help plants respond more positively to stressors throughout the growing season. Due to the diversity and complexity of its ingredients, fish hydrolysate is also one of the best food sources for soil microbes. Liquid Fish can be applied as a foliar or soil drench and is compatible with most fertilizers and fungicides. It acts as a natural chelator which can help boost the uptake of other tank-mixed inputs.
Rich Source of Trace Elements, Feeds Soil Biology, Aids Natural Defense Mechanisms, Excellent Source of Amino Acids, Enzymes and Growth Hormones, Low Odour
Yucca extract is derived from the Yucca schidigera plant, which is known for thriving in some of the world’s harshest environments. Rich in steroidal saponins and anti-oxidants, Yucca acts as a natural surfactant or wetting agent. Yucca helps to flush excess solutes that can form a crust on the soil surface, enabling water to spread evenly throughout the soil and reducing the presence of localized dry spot. Yucca can be added to fertilizers to increase their effectiveness and adds additional protection against drought, heat, salt accumulation and UV Stress. OMRI-listed, Yucca is also safe on soil microbial populations and mixes well with soil-applied biological inoculants.
Natural Wetting Agent, Low Usage Rates, Improves Moisture Uniformity, Reduce Stress, Improved Water-Use Efficiency, Safe on Biological Populations
Mother nature always knows best. This is especially true when it comes to plants and soils. For millions of years, the soil microbial community and plants have had a symbiotic relationship where they provide one another the necessary tools to thrive.
Our extract is of liquid form of compost that provides a dense concentration of living organisms to plants and soil without the hassle of applying large volumes of traditional compost. Liquid compost extract is rich in organic forms of nutrients, and microbes that work to provide life to soil, enhancing texture, quality and richness of colour.
Bacteria and Fungi are the primary decomposers in the soil and are essential for the degradation of organic material. Minimizing thatch in a turf setting will contribute to a reduction in disease and insect infestations, as well as synthetic inputs as a result of improved plant and soil heath.
Our extract os derived from a 100% natural compost, which is sustainably produced using food waste that would otherwise end up in landfills. It is completely safe for use around children and pets and is OMRI Certified, making it ideal for countless uses including turf, gardens, vegetable production and indoor plants.
For use on all Plants, Builds Soil Structure, Enhances Thatch Degradation, Increases Plant Hardiness, Improves Nutrient Supply
CRAB ARREST is a dynamic new corn gluten blend (95%) which is fortified to improve efficacy. It is specially formulated to offer superior crabgrass suppression. It’s inhibitory effect can last up to five weeks, ensuring your turf has more time to thicken up before summer stresses emerge. Crab Arrest is a granular product that contains at least 9% nitrogen, derived from an organic source.
New Fortified Formulation For Better Results, Is A Multi-Protein Based Crabgrass Inhibitor, Contains at least 9% nitrogen, Environmentally Friendly, Cost effective and easy to use
Granulated Compost 3-1-1 is designed to nourish beneficial soil biology, improve nutrient uptake, refine soil structure, and maximize plant health. Our compost is enhanced with numerous soil stimulating ingredients providing a benefit at any time throughout the growing season. It can be used to kickstart nutrient mineralization in the spring, prepare turf for fall dormancy or as a means of alleviating stress during difficult summer months. Compost can also be used at the time of seeding to offer a gentle feed to young, tender plants or it can provide a boost to high traffic areas. Available in a regular or micro prill size, it has even been used as an ice melter on golf greens in the winter. Dried and granulated, this compost is also dust and odor free making it clean, effective and easy to apply.
Promotes Plant Health, Improves Soil Structure, Feeds Soil Biology, Easy to Apply, No Dust or Unpleasant Odours